Education is the pivotal service field in the movement. More than a thousand non-religious educational initiatives exist in Turkey and some hundred forty countries in the world.
“If we do not plant the seeds of love in the hearts of young people, whom we try to revive through science, knowledge, and modern culture, they will never attain moral perfection.” – F. Gülen, Pearls of Wisdom
The Gülen-inspired schools are non-religious private institutions sponsored by generous entrepreneurs, altruistic educators, and dedicated parents. Using cutting-edge instructional technology and having demonstrated outstanding academic achievements, many of these schools rank among the most prestigious in their countries. Each school follows the curriculum of the host country, with a majority of the subjects taught in English. The schools provide scholarships for students who cannot afford the tuition. As many people have observed, Gülen-inspired schools are symbols of peaceful coexistence and dedication to the service of humanity. They also serve as an environment for intercultural, interethnic, and interfaith harmony, especially in conflict-ridden regions such as the Philippines, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Northern Iraq, Bosnia, and Kenya.
There are several Gülen-inspired universities in Turkey and abroad. They are private universities supported by foundations, and with their academic achievements, stand in service of their respective nations and humanity in general.
The Gülen-inspired dormitories are distinguished facilities where students can live and study together under the tutelage of dedicated teachers. These residencies provide living arrangements, especially for those who cannot afford room and board, in addition to tuition and books.
The Gülen-inspired preparatory courses are among the best in Turkey. They prepare students for the state exams mandatory for all students who wish to attend science high schools and universities. All these course-centers provide scholarships for students who cannot afford the tuition.
Many tutoring centers and reading rooms have been set up by Gülen-inspired charitable foundations, especially in south-eastern Turkey, where the youth and women have fewer opportunities to pursue higher education. These centers and rooms are free and open to everyone. The teachers working there are all volunteers.