Women issues

Women in Islam: Fethullah Gülen’s Perspective

Women in Islam: Fethullah Gülen’s Perspective

On gender roles, Gülen thinks that there is no obstacle in front of women in having equal rights and responsibilities with men; however, women and men have been physically and emotionally different so that gender roles have had to suit these differences. In contrast with the conservative point of view, Gülen thinks that these differences could not be used as bases for gender hierarchy. Islam does not separate men and women since both are human beings and have fundamental rights.…

Fethullah Gülen on Women in Islam

Fethullah Gülen on Women in Islam

Q: The relationship between men and women in Islam is one of the controversial topics debated in the modern day. What are your thoughts of the place of women in society? Fethullah Gulen: The Qur’an invites people to form a family…