Prof. Dr. Azzedine Layachi, St. John’s University:
The striking features of this movement, as I see it, are absolutely excellent, and this is what humanity needs. One is the ecumenical efforts of the Movement, the interfaith dialog, and I have seen that, at activities, I’ve seen it at a variety of activities conducted here on the Island and in New York City, and, the friendship dinner, for example, where we have Jews, Christians, and Muslims all meet and greet each other and exchange ideas, and just a wonderful setting. And also at the global level.
And the other thing that is very very important, and which relates to also the efforts of this university, is the service part. This is a movement that is highly dedicated to service.
And the service is big, service to humanity. The emphasis across the globe, not just here on the island, our community here, but also around the world, in Haiti, in many countries in Africa, in Asia and so on.
And the other thing is that I noted, which is of high importance, and is also something that is related to what our university is all about, it’s education. And they have invested tremendously, and they keep investing in education, and they have a lot of schools.
These schools are high calibrate schools. And this is an amazing endeavor, trying to not only serve a general, but use education also to help the new generation of leaders excel in what they do. And also serve as a conduit for a better world, and this is a wonderful endeavor. I can only have high praise for that.
The Hizmet Movement has Islamic roots, and is guided by Islamic values and principles. But its social actions and its social activities, of service and teaching and so on, are open to all faiths and to all people of all walks of life. This is what makes it a wonderful enterprise from the social perspective.
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