Basic funding principles of the Gülen movement

Basic funding principles of the Gülen movement

Gülen movement (Hizmet) started as a civil initiative in Turkey in 1970s in order to address local educational and cultural needs. Today, it is considered as a civil transnational movement operating beyond Turkish borders with activities in education, culture, and dialogue initiated by the students graduating from these schools and by those who are inspired. The movement and the inspired organizations continue to function with the spirit of voluntary service, charity work, and are supported by donations and other forms of contributions. Some of funding also comes from the profits generated from the professional businesses operated by the movement, not with the sole intention to make money, but to put the surplus back into good work.

The movement aims to form organizations that finance themselves and are self-sustaining. Until this aim is reached, the source of finance for these organizations will be through the help and assistance of generous citizens, the local community and authorized organizations. The voluntary contribution of individuals ranging from businessmen to individuals from all levels of society, the fees received for the services provided by the organizations, the tuition income from students, the intellectual and physical contribution of those who do not have the means to make a financial contribution are all evaluated in the helping category, which finance this movement. The fact that Fethullah Gülen or any of his relatives are not within or in charge of these financial matters and alongside this, the fact that the participants are selfless, genuine, self-sacrificing means they have developed trust within the community that continues to develop.

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