Political Islam

Gulen vs Erdogan – Contesting Religious Expressions

Gulen vs Erdogan – Contesting Religious Expressions

While on a shallow level they share a common religion, in his role as politician, Erdoǧan’s Islam is nationalistic, chauvinistic, militant, exclusivist, and is a source for his authoritarian, patriarchal leadership style. Gűlen’s understanding of Islam is inclusive, peaceful, contains universal values, and requires humility and service to others; ideals that few politicians have found easy to uphold.…

Gazi Warrior Vs. Sufi Mystic: Turkey’s Erdogan-Gulen Breakup

Gazi Warrior Vs. Sufi Mystic: Turkey’s Erdogan-Gulen Breakup

The two men with the most power in Turkey are President Tayyib Erdoǧan, and religious leader Fethullah Gűlen. The former is the founder and long-time former leader of the AKP and former Prime Minister. The latter, a Sufi theologian known reverentially as Hocaefendi (respected teacher) to his millions of followers, inspired a civil society humanitarian movement, called Hizmet. …

Political Implications of the Hizmet-Gülen Movement

Political Implications of the Hizmet-Gülen Movement

Even though Hizmet views itself as a proponent of civil society, its work certainly has political ramifications. It is a faith-based movement, although scrupulous in presenting itself as having no religious agenda at all; it is strictly a civil society initiative.…

Differences Should Not Lead to Separation

Differences Should Not Lead to Separation

Dr. Saribay: Fethullah Gulen clearly shows that Islam can have different interpretations. In the coming days, there is going to be a settling of accounts between populist and radical Islam. I believe that the first group’s victory will enable democracy…

Is Fethullah Gülen an Islamist?

Is Fethullah Gülen an Islamist?

Fethullah Gülen refutes in his speeches and writings Islamist claims for an Islamic political platform: “Islam does not propose a certain unchangeable form of government or attempt to shape it. Instead, Islam established fundamental principles that orient a government’s general character, leaving it to the people to choose the type and form of government according to time and circumstances.”…

Fethullah Gülen on Islam and State

Fethullah Gülen on Islam and State

If a state, within the framework mentioned above, gives the opportunity to its citizens to practice their religion and supports them in their thinking, learning, and practice; this system is not considered to be against the teaching of the Qur’an. In the presence of such a state there is no need to seek an alternative state. …

Fethullah Gülen on Political Islam

Fethullah Gülen on Political Islam

In my opinion, people have either gone too far or not far enough with regards to understanding the relationship between Islam and politics. Some have said that the religion of Islam has no relationship with politics; others have perceived the religion as politics itself, ignoring the varied and rich aspects of religion.…